K3s part 1: Setup your workstation

Updated August 12, 2023 13 minutes

This is the first post in the K3s series, read the introduction first.

Prepare your workstation

When working with kubernetes, you should resist the urge to directly login into the host server via SSH, unless you have to. Instead, you will create all of the config files on your local laptop, which will be referred to as your workstation, and use kubectl to access the remote cluster API.

You will need to install several command line tools on your workstation (or follow the guide to build a utility container to use as your virtual “workstation” environment, which has all of the tools builtin):

  • A modern BASH shell, being the default Linux terminal shell, but also available on various platforms.

  • kubectl:

    • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S kubectl
    • Other OS: See docs
    • You can take a small detour now and setup bash shell tab-key completion for kubectl, this is quite useful for interactive use. Run kubectl completion -h and follow the directions for setting up your shell. However, you can skip this, since all of the commands you will run are already prepared for you in this blog.
  • kustomize:

    • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S kustomize
    • Other OS: see releases
    • You may have heard about kubectl having kustomize as a built-in feature (kubectl apply -k). However, the version of kustomize that is bundled with kubectl is old, and has bugs. You should use the latest version of kustomize directly instead of the bundled kubectl version (kustomize build | kubectl apply -f - ).
    • NOTICE: kustomize v3.9.0 does not work (Fails to create RoleBinding resources) This may already be fixed in a later version, but the tested WORKING version as of 2020-12-14 is kustomize v3.8.8
  • kubeseal:

    • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S kubeseal
    • Other OS: see releases
    • Note: only install the client side at this point, you will install the cluster side later in a different way.
  • flux:

    • Arch Linux has an AUR build
    • Other OS: see docs
    • Optional: Add shell completion support to your ~/.bashrc
## Optional bash shell completion for flux
. <(flux completion bash)
  • git:

    • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S git
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install git
    • Other OS
  • tea:

    • Gitea command line client, useful for creating remote git repos
    • Install docs
  • jq and yq:

    • JSON and YAML wrangling tools.
    • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S jq yq
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install jq yq
  • podman and docker:

    • Sometimes it is useful to run a container on your local workstation, podman can run rootless (no sudo required), and is the best option for doing this.
    • This won’t be used until part 7
    • This is also useful for installing all of these tools in a container rather than native on your workstation.
    • Install Podman.
    • The Docker CLI client is still useful for interfacing with remote docker servers (or Virtual Machine).
    • Install Docker (you only need the client, not the engine, but this [and most distros] package both parts in the same package. You do not need to start the docker service, you will only use the docker client.)
    • DO NOT follow common advice to alias docker=podman. Podman and Docker are useful for different purposes, and you should install both. Podman doesn’t have a daemon, and it can’t talk to one; this is convenient, and secure, for running containers locally on your workstation with your normal user account (rootless). Docker (the CLI client) is useful for controlling remote Docker servers (or VM) by setting DOCKER_HOST. Podman can also act as a client for remote podman hosts (through socket activation) but it can’t talk to a Docker daemon (local nor remote). Docker (the engine) requires running a daemon, which is normally run as root (or another priviliged account), and so is mostly unusable for rootless accounts, but this can be made to work well with a Virtual Machine (normal user runs docker client running on workstation, controlling docker daemon installed inside VM.)
  • vagrant (Optional):

    • A Virtual Machine manager
    • Only used for Part 12, for installing a Virtual Machine to run Docker (daemon) and a Drone runner, running CI jobs for your remote cluster, but on your local workstation.
    • Arch Linux
    • Also install libvirt
    • Install the libvirt plugin too: vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
  • hugo (Optional) :

    • To build the source code and serve this blog from localhost (Or just continue reading this blog online.)
    • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S hugo
    • Other OS
  • k3sup (Optional) :

    • alexellis/k3sup is a very useful tool to automatically create k3s clusters on machines that you already have SSH access to.
    • Releases
  • CDK8s (Optional) :

    • Programmatically generate YAML from python, typescript, or java.
    • Install CDK8s
  • OpenFaaS (Optional) :

Running Commands

This blog is written in a Literate Programming style, containing exact BASH shell commands for you to copy and paste into your workstation terminal.

These block-quoted commands are intended to be run without needing to edit them. Commands that need configuration, will reference environment variables, which you create before you run the command, so that you may customize the variables first, and then run the command as-is.

You should configure your BASH so that your pasted commands are never run unless you give your confirmation, after pasting, by pressing the Enter key. In general, this allows you the opportunity to edit commands on the terminal prompt line, before running them. (In this case, you will only need to do this in the case of customizing variables, not for editing commands, which should be run without editing them.) Run this to enable this feature, called bracketed-paste, in BASH:

# Enable for the current shell:
bind 'set enable-bracketed-paste on'
# Enable for future environments:
echo "set enable-bracketed-paste on" >> ${HOME}/.inputrc

For example, here is a command block that is asking you to customize two environment variables (SOME_VARIABLE and SOME_OTHER_VARIABLE). You should copy and paste this into your shell, and edit the values on the command line (foo and bar; change them to something else), then press Enter.


Now run a command that references the variables. You don’t need to edit it, just copy the command, paste into the terminal, and press Enter:

echo some command that needs ${SOME_VARIABLE} and ${SOME_OTHER_VARIABLE}

Often, a command will use the BASH HEREDOC format to create whole files without needing to use a text editor. For example, this next code block will create a new temporary file with a random name, with the contents Hello, World!.

cat <<EOF > ${TMP_FILE}
Hello, World!

echo "-------------------------------------------"
echo The random temporary file is ${TMP_FILE}
echo The contents written were: $(cat ${TMP_FILE})

The contents of the file is the line(s) between cat <<EOF on line 2 and the second EOF on its own line, line 4 (Hello, World!\n). Any lines that comes after the second EOF (the echo lines) are just regular commands, not part of the content of the file created. (Technically, HEREDOC format allows any marker instead of EOF but this blog will always use EOF by convention, which is mnemonic for End Of File.)

Note that the previous example rendered environment variables before writing the file. The file contains the value of the variable as it was at the time of creation, and replaces the variable name reference. In order to write a shell script, via HEREDOC, that contains variable names (not values), you need to disable this behaviour. To do this, you put quotes around the first EOF marker, and then no variables will be substituted in the body:

TMP_FILE=$(mktemp --suffix .sh)
cat <<'EOF' > ${TMP_FILE}
## I'm a shell script that needs raw variable names to be preserved.
## To do this, the HEREDOC used <<'EOF' instead of <<EOF
echo Hello I am ${USER} on ${HOSTNAME} at $(date)

echo "-------------------------------------------"
cat ${TMP_FILE}
echo "The variables are evaluated on run:"
sh ${TMP_FILE}

Create a local git repository

You need a place to store your cluster configuration, so create a git repository someplace on your workstation called flux-infra (or whatever you want to call it). The flux-infra repository will manage the root level of one or more of your clusters. Each cluster storing its manifests in its own sub-directory, listed by domain name. Each kubernetes namespace gets a sub-sub-directory :

  • ~/git/flux-infra/${CLUSTER}/${NAMESPACE}

Choose the directory where to create the git repo and the domain name for your new cluster:

mkdir -p ${FLUX_INFRA_DIR}/${CLUSTER} && \
git -C ${FLUX_INFRA_DIR} init && \
echo Cluster working directory: $(pwd)

In an upcoming post, you will create a git remote to push this repository to.

Create toolbox container (optional)

As an alternative to installing all of these command line tools natively on your workstation, you can build a utility container that has all of the tools inside. If you go this route, the utility container becomes your “workstation”, and whenever this blog tells you to run something on your “workstation”, it will mean for you to run it inside this container instead.

If you skipped down to this section, it is critical to go back up and read the section titled Running Commands once you get your utility container up and going.

This container will create a persistent volume mounted to the virtual home directory (/root inside the container), for keeping files safe. Git repositories are intended to be cloned somewhere in your native workstation home directory, and then mounted inside the container (eg. a host directory ${HOME}/git mounted as /root/git inside the container). This way you can still use your native workstation editor tools, rather than installing an editor in the container.

This requires you to install podman.

Build the container image (kube-toolbox):

cat <<'EOF' | podman build -t kube-toolbox -f - 
FROM alpine:latest


## Packages and upstream Kubernetes tools:
RUN cd /usr/local/bin && \
 apk add --no-cache bash curl openssh git bash-completion jq docker-cli && \
 echo "## Arkade installer" && \
   curl -sLS https://get.arkade.dev | sh && \
   arkade get kubectl && \
   arkade get kubeseal && \
   arkade get hugo && \
   arkade get k3sup && \
   arkade get faas-cli && \
   arkade get helm && \
   arkade get k9s && \
   arkade get kustomize --version=${KUSTOMIZE_VERSION} && \
   mv /root/.arkade/bin/* /usr/local/bin && \
 echo "### Flux: " && \
   curl -sL https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/install.sh | bash && \
 echo "### cdk8s / pyenv" && \
   apk add libffi-dev openssl-dev bzip2-dev zlib-dev readline-dev \
      sqlite-dev build-base python3 py3-pip yarn npm && \
   pip install --user pipenv && \
   curl https://pyenv.run | bash && \
   yarn global add cdk8s-cli && \
 echo "### Podman remote" && \
   curl -LO https://github.com/containers/podman/releases/download/${PODMAN_REMOTE_VERSION}/podman-remote-static.tar.gz && \
   tar xfvz podman-remote-static.tar.gz && \
   rm podman-remote-static.tar.gz && \
   mv podman-remote-static podman && \
 echo "## yq" && \
   pip install yq && \
 echo "## git-tea" && \
   curl -LO \
     https://dl.gitea.io/tea/${GIT_TEA_VERSION}/tea-${GIT_TEA_VERSION}-linux-amd64 && \
   mv tea-${GIT_TEA_VERSION}-linux-amd64 tea && \
   chmod 0755 tea

## root account setup:
## Note that the files in the /root volume will override these image defaults:
RUN echo 'export PATH=${HOME}/.arkade/bin:${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}' >> .bashrc && \
    echo 'source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion' >> .bashrc && \
    echo 'source <(kubectl completion bash)' >> .bashrc && \
    echo 'source <(flux completion bash)' >> .bashrc && \
    echo 'export PS1="[\u@kube-toolbox \W]\$ "' >> .bashrc && \
    echo 'set enable-bracketed-paste on' > .inputrc

CMD /bin/bash

Create an alias kbox to easily start the container shell:

## You can create multiple aliases for different environments
## Just make sure to use a different volume name for each one (eg. kbox:/root)
alias kbox="podman run --rm -it -v kbox:/root -v ${HOME}/git:/root/git \
   -v ${HOME}/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig --name kbox-${RANDOM} kube-toolbox"

Now you can run kbox, and you will enter the BASH shell within the kube-toolbox container. The home directory inside the container (/root) is mounted to a persistent volume also called kbox (see it with podman volume ls). You can save any files under /root and they will be persisted to the volume, which includes Kubernetes API tokens, SSH keys, and any other config files. A host directory (${HOME}/git) is mapped into the container to share git repositories with the container, and to allow you to use a native file editor on the host. ${HOME}/.gitconfig is mounted as well, so that you do not need to reconfigure git inside the container.

You should not be concerned about running as root inside this container, it is intentional and safe. When running podman as a user, it is run rootless, which means that it will map root inside the container to the same UID on the host that ran podman (your regular workstation user ID, not the real root user.) This means that when you create files in the container, as root, in /root/git, they will show up in the host directory ${HOME}/git owned by your regular workstation user ID.

Enter the interactive sub-shell:


You will see the toolbox BASH prompt (kube-toolbox), indicating you are now inside the container:

[root@kube-toolbox ~]$

Create a new ssh key :


Also note, that the lifetime of the container is the lifetime of the shell process, so as soon as you quit the shell, the container is removed (podman run --rm). So if you install programs (alpine Linux apk add) or create files (outside of /root or /root/git) they will be gone the next time you run kbox. In order to permanently add additional programs, you should modify the Dockerfile, and rebuild the image, as shown above.

Setup podman-remote in toolbox container (optional)

The toolbox container cannot run other containers inside of itself. This means that normally, you can only run podman or docker on the host workstation. However, the toolbox container has installed podman, which is actually podman-remote (just renamed to podman) which is a stripped version of podman that is only used for connecting to a remote system and running podman on the remote machine (this version of podman cannot run containers by itself.)

You can setup your host workstation to run podman, and configure the remote access for the kbox container to use it, so that the container itself can run normal podman (remote) commands, and have them run on the host podman. See the upstream podman-remote instructions for setup, here is the gist:

  • You must enable ssh on the host workstation.
  • You must copy the container root user ssh key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) into your host workstation user’s authorized_keys file (${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys)
  • You must test that ssh works from within kbox, to the host workstation IP address: ssh USER@X.X.X.X
  • You must enable the podman systemd socket activation on the host workstation: systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket

Once ssh is tested to work, from kbox to your host workstation, you can add the connection to podman.

Run this inside kbox:


Setup the connection persistence on bash startup (run in kbox):

cat <<EOF >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
## Setup podman remote to host workstation:
podman system connection add \
  --identity ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Now exit and restart kbox (press Ctrl-D or type exit and then retstart kbox)

Inside the new kbox shell, list the podman connections:

podman system connection list

You should see the workstation connection name listed, ending with an asterisk (*) to indicate it is the default connection to use.

Test that you can list containers:

podman ps

You should see a list of all of the containers that are running on your host workstation user account (which at least includes the running kbox container.)

Test that you can run the standard hello-world container:

podman run --rm -it hello-world

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This blog is copyright EnigmaCurry and dual-licensed CC-BY-SA and MIT. The source is on github: enigmacurry/blog.rymcg.tech and PRs are welcome. ❤️