Virtual Proxmox part 1: Virtual Proxmox and K3s

Updated November 21, 2023 13 minutes

This is the first post in the proxmox series, read the introduction first. This post describes how to install Proxmox inside of a KVM virtual machine on your development workstation and setup a small K3s cluster.

If you want to install Proxmox on a non-virtual computer instead, you can follow the official guide and then come back here and skip to the middle of this page (Setup SSH keys and secure properly) and follow along from there.

Virtual K3s Cluster in a Virtual Proxmox Host

If you want to have a virtual K3s cluster on your workstation, you have a lot of options. This is just one way of doing it. Proxmox is an Operating System that manages Virtual Machines. Proxmox is designed to run on dedicated, bare-metal server hardware. You can abuse it however, in a development environment, and get Proxmox to run inside of another Virtual Machine host (Qemu KVM + libvirt), running in your own user environment, on an existing Linux laptop/workstation.

So, if you have a laptop, with a lot of free RAM and CPU, you can create a virtual machine (libvirt), install Proxmox inside that VM, use Proxmox to create several nested virtual machines, and install K3s worker nodes on those nested VMs. (K3s VMs on Proxmox VM on Libvirt Host.)

This will also serve as a general introduction for installing and configuring Proxmox, even for non-virtual environments, it is the same.

Test for nested virtualization support:

To find out if your Linux host is capable of nested virtualization, run:

## Intel machine:
systool -m kvm_intel -v | grep -E "nested\W"
## AMD machine:
systool -m kvm_amd -v | grep -E "nested\W"

One of these lines should return : nested = "Y"

If the answer is not Y, read this Arch wiki section for enabling this support in your kernel.

Install packages and start libvirt KVM service

On Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S qemu libvirt libguestfs virt-manager \
    iptables-nft bridge-utils ebtables dnsmasq
sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd.service

For other Linux distributions, you just need to install the same packages (the names may be different), and start the libvirt service.

Add your user to the libvirt group

sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} libvirt

Create VM with virt-manager

virt-manager is a GUI frontend for the libvirt backend service, which will allow you to create a virtual machine, boot from a proxmox.iso file, and install Proxmox.

  • Download the latest version of Proxmox VE ISO Installer
  • Run virt-manager
  • Click File -> New Virtual Machine
  • Follow through the wizard, clicking Forward on each page, reviewing to make sure you select all of the following options:
    • Select Local install media (ISO image or CDROM)
    • Choose the ISO install media, and click Browse to the install media file you downloaded.
    • Uncheck Automatically detect from the installation media / source, and enter Generic Linux 2020 as the operating system type.
    • Choose appropriate Memory, CPU, and disk storage size, settings, depending on your specific hardware (Note this is for all of Proxmox and all of your k3s nodes combined).
    • Give your new machine an appropriate name, like proxmox.
    • Choose the Network selection type: Virtual Network 'default': NAT in order to provide NAT and DHCP to the Proxmox VM on a private subnet, so that the Proxmox installer should automatically detect all of the correct network IP address settings. You should still customize the new Hostname for Proxmox (default pve). The private subnet will route outgoing connections (eg. curl or docker pull initiated from inside a running VM), but it will not route incoming external connections by default (eg. you cannot ssh to a VM from an external network). The private subnet is accessible only between VMs and from the local host workstation, unless you add additional routing rules (See Part 3 - Port Forwarding).
  • Click Finish to commit the changes and create the VM.
  • Click on the Proxmox VM in the main virt-manager window.
  • Click on the menu entry Edit -> Connection Details.
  • In the Connection Details screen, click on the Virtual Networks tab.
  • Edit the default Virtual Network, find the Autostart field and checkmark On Boot.
  • Ensure the network has been started, click the Start Network button at the bottom of the window, which looks like a small play button on a remote control.

Optionally, you can enable this VM to start on boot:

# Optional: autostart VM on boot:
sudo virsh autostart Proxmox

The virtual machine should boot, and provide you the graphical terminal to access it.

  • On first boot of Proxmox, choose Install Proxmox VE
  • Click through the EULA.
  • The Target Harddisk should be automatically selected for the disk created by virt-manager, click Next.
  • Configure your time zone.
  • Choose a password and email address.
  • Click Install to finish installation.
  • When finished, the virtual machine will reboot. Wait for, and watch through the first boot, until you see the login terminal.

On the terminal login screen, you will see the URL to connect to. For example: https://192.168.X.X:8006/ and please note that the https:// and :8006 parts of the URL are important! Open this URL in your web browser. The TLS certificate is self-signed by default, and so this will not be trusted by your web browser, and it will show an error about that, but also it should show an option for you to select that you want to proceed anyway. Now you should see the web login screen for Proxmox.

  • You may close all the virt-manager windows, libvirt will continue to run your virtual machines in the background.

Setup SSH keys and secure properly

You can login to the Proxmox terminal through SSH (no need for the virt-manager terminal window ever again). The username is root and the password is the password you chose during install. Because passwords are less secure than SSH keys, that’s the next step: to install your SSH key, and disable password authentication.

Create an SSH host entry in your $HOME/.ssh/config file:

Host proxmox
    Hostname 192.168.X.X
    User root

(Change the Hostname 192.168.X.X to be the IP address of your Proxmox virtual machine.)

If you have not created an SSH identity on this workstation, you will need to run ssh-keygen.

  • From your workstation, run ssh-copy-id proxmox, which will ask you to confirm the ssh key fingerprint, and for your remote password (chosen during install) to login to the Proxmox server via SSH. It will copy your SSH key to the server’s authorized_keys file, which will allow all future logins to be by key based authentication, instead of by password.
  • SSH to the Proxmox host, run ssh proxmox. Ensure that no password is required (except perhaps for unlocking your key file). You will now be in the root account of Proxmox, be careful!
  • You need to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. The text editors nano and vi are installed by default, or you can install other editors, for example apt install emacs-nox.
  • Disable password authentication - search for the line that says PasswordAuthentication yes, which will be commented out with #. Remove the # to un-comment the line, and change the yes to a no.
  • Save /etc/ssh/sshd_config and close the editor.
  • Restart ssh, run: systemctl restart sshd
  • Exit the SSH session, and test logging in and out again still works, using your SSH key.
  • To test that PasswordAuthentication is really turned off, you can attempt to SSH again, with a bogus username, one that you know does not really exist:
$ ssh hunter1@proxmox-k3s-1
hunter1@ Permission denied (publickey).

The attempt should immediately fail and say Permission denied (publickey), and if it also does not ask you for a password, then you have successfully turned off password authentication.

Login to Proxmox web console

  • In the Proxmox web console, login with the username root and the password you chose during installation.

Disable Enterprise features and enable Community repository (optional)

By default, Proxmox expects that you are an enterprise, and that you have an enterprise license for Proxmox. If you do, skip this section. However, you may also use the Proxmox community version, without a license (and it is the same .iso image installer and method for both versions.) To switch between these versions, you must use different apt package repositories. If you wish to use Proxmox exclusively with the Community, non-enterprise version, follow the rest of this section.

  • You will see a warning message No valid subscription, which will nag you on each login unless you purchase an enterprise edition of Proxmox. Click OK to freely use the community version.
  • On the left-hand side of the screen, find the Server View list, click the Proxmox host in the list.
  • Find the Updates and Repositories screen on the Node details screen.
  • Find the pve-enterprise repository in the list, and click it.
  • Click the Disable button at the top of the list.
  • You will see a message that says No Proxmox VE repository is enabled.
  • Click Add, it will nag you about the license again, just click OK.
  • Select No-Subscription in the Repository drop-down list, click Add.
  • You should now expect to to see this warning message: The no-subscription repository is not recommended for production use.

Setup Firewall

By default the proxmox instance has an open firewall, but this can be made more secure to only accept connections from specific sources, for example to lock down to only being accessed from your workstation. This is particularly important to do if you chose to use the bridge network selection, in virt-manager when you created the VM.

  • In the Server View list, click the line that says Datacenter.
  • On the datacenter screen, find the Firewall settings.
  • Click the Add button to add firewall rules.
  • There are default anti-lockout rules for port 22 and 8006, but only acessible from the same subnet. You should create your own rules for these ports so that you don’t lock yourself out.
  • To host websites, you’ll want to open ports 80 and 443.

The firewall is turned off by default. To enable the firewall, find the Firewall Options submenu page, on the new screen double-click Firewall (value No) at the top of the list. In the popup window, checkmark the box to enable the firewall, then click OK. (The Firewall value should now show Yes).

Create an Ubuntu cloud-init template

  • Open a terminal to the proxmox server (ssh proxmox)
  • Download the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS cloud image:
  • Create a new VM that will become a template:
qm create 9000
  • Import the cloud image as the primary drive:
qm importdisk 9000 focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img local-lvm
  • You can delete the downloaded image now if you wish.

  • Configure the VM:

qm set 9000 --name Ubuntu-20.04 --memory 2048 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 \
  --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 local-lvm:vm-9000-disk-0 \
  --ide0 none,media=cdrom --ide2 local-lvm:cloudinit --boot c \
  --bootdisk scsi0 --serial0 socket --vga std --ciuser root \
  --sshkey $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys --ipconfig0 ip=dhcp
  • Download the gparted ISO image, which is to be used to resize the disk:
wget -P /var/lib/vz/template/iso \
  • Set the first boot device to load gparted
qm set 9000 --ide0 local:iso/gparted-live-1.3.0-1-amd64.iso,media=cdrom \
  --boot 'order=ide0;scsi0'
  • Resize the disk, adding 50GB (or whatever size you prefer for your template):
qm resize 9000 scsi0 +50G

Go to the web console, and find VM 9000 in the list, then click Start. Click Console in the node list, and Gparted will load on screen.

  • Follow the on screen setup instructions.
  • Once gparted loads, it will say Not all of the space available to /dev/sda appears to be used,. Click Fix.
  • Select /dev/sda1, right click and choose Resize/Move.
  • Click and drag the right hand side of the bar all the way to the right. (Free space before and after should both say 0, and with a new larger size listed.) Click Resize/Move.
  • Click Edit -> Apply All Operations, then Apply.
  • When finished click Close, then Shutdown the VM.

Remove the CD-ROM drive from the VM:

qm set 9000 --delete ide0

Remove the VGA adapter (no longer needed, now that gparted is done), and replace it with a serial device:

qm set 9000 --vga serial0

Convert virtual machine to a template:

qm template 9000

Create K3s nodes

Now that you have an Ubuntu template, you can create nodes for K3s workers:

  • From the web console, find VM 9000, right click it, and choose Clone.
  • Use the default mode: Linked Clone (the clone creates a Copy on Write volume, based off the original image: this will save you a ton of host disk space, if you create lots of clones that are mostly the same.)
  • Enter the name k3s-1 (or whatever you want)
  • Click Clone.
  • Start the VM.
  • Repeat and clone for as many other worker nodes as you want.

Once the machine starts, wait for DHCP to assign an IP address. You can check for the IP address on the host running libvirt (your workstation):

# Query DHCP leases on the host:
sudo cat /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status

When you find the IP addresses, edit $HOME/.ssh/config and add a new section for each of the nested VM hosts:

# Host SSH client config: ~/.ssh/config

Host proxmox-k3s-1
    Hostname 192.168.X.X
    User root
Host proxmox-k3s-2
    Hostname 192.168.X.X
    User root

Test login via ssh with your key:

ssh proxmox-k3s-1

On the first node, install the k3s server:

# Install K3s server on first node:
curl -sfL | sh -s - server --disable traefik

Retrieve the K3s cluster token:

cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token

On the second and rest of the nodes, install the k3s worker agent, filling in the proper cluster token you retreived, and the IP address of the first (k3s server) node:

# Install K3s worker agent: fill in K3S_URL and K3S_TOKEN
curl -sfL | K3S_URL=https://192.168.X.X:6443 K3S_TOKEN=xxxx sh

Setup local workstation

In order to access the k3s cluster from the host workstation, you need to copy the config file:

# From your workstation:
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube && \
scp proxmox-k3s-1:/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml $HOME/.kube/proxmox-k3s && \
echo "export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/proxmox-k3s" >> $HOME/.bash_profile && \
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/proxmox-k3s

You now must edit $HOME/.kube/proxmox-k3s and replace with the IP address of the server node. Also search and replace for the word default and replace it with the name of the cluster k3s-1. Save the file.

Install kubectl and helm.

Test that kubectl works:

kubectl get nodes

If you have more than one kubectl config file, you can list multiple in your $HOME/.bash_profile, separated with colons:

export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/proxmox-k3s:$HOME/.kube/localhost-k3s"

Install the kubectx tool for easy switching between clusters (kubectx) and namespaces (kubens).

Now you have a Virtual K3s cluster

The next post in this series will install Traefik, and generate a wildcard TLS certificate using Let’s Encrypt ACME DNS challenge (for certificate use beind LAN firewall).

Configure extra workstation niceties

All of these steps are optional, but improve the user experience:

  • Install the bash-completion package. On Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S bash-completion
  • Install the kubectx package. On Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S kubectx
  • Install the kube-ps1 package. On Arch Linux you can install kube-ps1 with an AUR helper.

  • Enable Bash completion, create k alias for kubectl, and configure your PS1 prompt to show the current K8s context and namespace. Put this in your $HOME/.bash_profile file:

## Enable bash completion:
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    source /etc/bash_completion
## kubectl completion is automatically loaded 
## from /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/kubectl

## Alias k for kubectl:
alias k="kubectl"
complete -F __start_kubectl k

## Create PS1 prompt with current K8s context and namespace:
source '/opt/kube-ps1/'
PS1='\[\u@\h $(kube_ps1)\] \W $ '

## List several separate context files in one KUBECONFIG, 
## separated with ':':
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/k3s-1:$HOME/.kube/k3s-2"
  • Switch between contexts with kubectx.

  • Switch the default Kubernetes namespace: kubens (kubens is installed with kubectx)

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