Zram: RAM 'doubler' on Linux

Updated March 12, 2023 7 minutes

I remember in the days of MS-DOS you could use a “RAM doubler” to compress your memory storage and get “more” RAM, and then a bit later on there was a joke website where you could “download” more RAM. Well both of these are a reality in Linux (no joke), called Zram

On my test system, the Odroid-m1, without zram - I have 8GB of physical RAM, and no swap:

$ free -m
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            7437         170        6826           8         439        7182
Swap:              0           0           0

Install zram:

pacman -S zram-generator
cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf
zram-size = ram
compression-algorithm = zstd

One reboot later:

$ free -m
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            7437         198        7052           8         186        7160
Swap:           7436           0        7436

So now I have “double” the RAM, but its not filled with anything yet, so it doesn’t know how much it can compress, but obviously I cannot use more than the physical RAM if the contents are statistically random. But at least its free RAM right? 😎

So lets fill the ram with random data and see how far it goes.

## Keep this running in a separate terminal
watch free -m
## In a second terminal
$ ipython

In [1]: import random

In [2]: eat_ram = []

In [3]: for gigabyte in range(17):
   ...:     eat_ram.append([random.randbytes(1024*1024) for _ in range(1000)])
   ...:     print(f"I ate {len(eat_ram)} GBs of random data")
I ate 1 GBs of random data
I ate 2 GBs of random data
I ate 3 GBs of random data
I ate 4 GBs of random data
I ate 5 GBs of random data
I ate 6 GBs of random data
I ate 7 GBs of random data

At this point the machine completely freezes, and the final free report was:

               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            7437        7348          36           8          52          17
Swap:           7436          35        7401

Because the data is random, it can’t store any more than you have physical space for. The OOM killer didn’t do its job, and the system crashes.

So one hard reboot later… lets fill up the memory with zeros (which should be somewhat less than infinitely compressable) and see how far it goes:

$ ipython
In [1]: eat_ram = []

In [2]: for gigabyte in range(17):
   ...:     eat_ram.append([bytearray(1024*1024*1000)])
   ...:     print(f"I ate {len(eat_ram)} GBs of zeros")
I ate 1 GBs of zeros
I ate 2 GBs of zeros
I ate 3 GBs of zeros
I ate 4 GBs of zeros
I ate 5 GBs of zeros
I ate 6 GBs of zeros
I ate 7 GBs of zeros
I ate 8 GBs of zeros
I ate 9 GBs of zeros
I ate 10 GBs of zeros
I ate 11 GBs of zeros
I ate 12 GBs of zeros
I ate 13 GBs of zeros
I ate 14 GBs of zeros

Final free report after filling the memory with all zeros, moments before the process was killed:

               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            7437        7335          49           8          51          30
Swap:           7436        7258         178

Notably, when storing zeros it uses virtually all of the available ram and swap space, and then it is Killed by the linux kernel OutOfMemory (OOM) killer. The machine did not crash. I suspect the earlier crash was likely because the OOM killer didn’t want to kill the process because it thought there was another 8GB of available swap (but of course there wasn’t any, because the data was random, and couldn’t be compressed further.)

Check out the man page for zram-generator.conf, especially regarding zram-size:

       O   zram-size=

           Sets the size of the zram device as a function of MemTotal,  available  as
           the ram variable.

           Arithmetic operators (^%/*-+), e, <pi>, SI suffixes, log(), int(), ceil(),
           floor(), round(), abs(), min(), max(),  and  trigonometric  functions  are

           Defaults to min(ram / 2, 4096)

In the test above, this setting was set to ram which makes the zram size the same size as the physical RAM. A more appropriate setting might be ram/2 or ram/3 depending on how high of a compression ratio you can expect for your workloads.

To prevent the hard crash, you can add another swap file on your solid state disk. This swap file will only be necessary in the worst case scenario where you need to store completely random data.

## Create an 8GB /swapfile
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=8
chmod 0600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
echo "/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
swapon /swapfile

After adding the secondary /swapfile, you should now have twice the available swap space as you have physical RAM:

$ free -m
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            7437         204        7037           8         195        7153
Swap:          15628           0       15628

Each swap has a priority value, so that the fast zram will be preferred before using the slower disk based swap file:

$ cat /proc/swaps
Filename    Type            Size            Used            Priority
/swapfile   file            8388604         0               -2
/dev/zram0  partition       7615484         0               100

Ideally the /swapfile will never be needed, but in the very worst case, it needs to exist as a backstop to prevent a potential hard lock up (perhaps the /swapfile can be created smaller than the physical ram size, I have not tested this).

There’s one more setting that needs to be tweaked before we can run the test again. Even with the second swap file, the system will still crash when it tries to use more than the physical RAM size, and this is because by default Linux will always prefer to use the fast physical RAM first, and then use the slow swap after its full. In the case of zram, you want it the other way: since you’re using zram you want to use swap as soon as possible, so that it fills up before hitting peak memory pressure. Then if it ever does fill up compeltely, then the secondary (disk based) swapfile will be used.

Configure the Linux kernal “swappiness” value:

## Configure the swappiness to 100 to more aggressively swap to zram:
cat <<EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/zram.conf

## Apply the value now, or reboot:
sysctl --system

With the extra swap buffer, here is how the random test fares:

# Watch the zram swap and swapfile usage separately:
## Ideally, the /swapfile usage will always say 0 because its got the lowest priority.
watch cat /proc/swaps
In [1]: import random

In [2]: eat_ram = []

In [3]: for gigabyte in range(24):
   ...:     eat_ram.append([random.randbytes(1024*1024) for _ in range(1000)])
   ...:     print(f"I ate {len(eat_ram)} GBs of random data")
I ate 1 GBs of random data
I ate 2 GBs of random data
I ate 3 GBs of random data
I ate 4 GBs of random data
I ate 5 GBs of random data
I ate 6 GBs of random data
I ate 7 GBs of random data
I ate 8 GBs of random data
I ate 9 GBs of random data
I ate 10 GBs of random data
I ate 11 GBs of random data
I ate 12 GBs of random data
I ate 13 GBs of random data
I ate 14 GBs of random data
I ate 15 GBs of random data

It ate all the RAM, in this order:

  • Until all the physical RAM was exhausted, at ~8G.
  • After 8G, zram started to be used, and a (not so) brief pause was observed (<1 minute) between 7GB and 8GB as it starts to swap.
  • As zram is used, a bit of free physical ram was made available (even random data can get compressed sometimes), and so that was eaten too.
  • After all the zram was exhausted, then the /swapfile was used.
  • After almost all of the swap was used, the Kernel OOM killer killed python, and all the RAM was freed.
  • 8GB physical RAM + 8GB of disk based swap = 16GB. So in the worst case of completely random data, 16GB is the stopping point.
  • In the best case scneario, where you store all zeros, the size is not quite infinite, but is actually capped by the zram-size. Assuming zram-size = ram, 8GB (physical) + 8GB (zram) + 8GB (disk swap) = 24GB total memory. One more trial with storing all zeros and the OOM killer caught it after it read 22GB.

The critical point to creating the secondary /swapfile is so that the OOM killer functioned correctly, and killed the process before the system froze.

Further reading

There’s a good three part series all about swap and zram from haydenjames.io:

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